Sorry for the lack of Moxies! A book I thought would take less than a month took, like, 2 and a half months. (Looking at YOU, Gingersnap Cat!)
My scary cat story epub validated on the first try!
WritingTo celebrate, I hereby post this Lego Batman gif, as tradition dictates.
I validate my epubs with the free program Pagina, which means I don’t have to command line anything. Drag, drop, cross fingers, DONE! Just make sure your Java is up-to-date.
ArtThis took me all day to “ink” (I used an 8B pencil) and color (in Krita) and put together (PhoShoCS2). You’ll have to tell me if it was worth it! To my delight, the finished expressions turned out just as good as my ruff Sharpie sketch!
Click for full-size!
The scanner couldn’t capture the orange/black quite right so I just ran with the rainbow effect.
The scanner couldn’t capture the orange/black quite right so I just ran with the rainbow effect.
The scanner couldn’t capture the orange/black quite right so I just ran with the rainbow effect.
“I does a yoga!”
Artist note: Even though these are older Moxie drawings, they’re some of my favorites. OF ALL TIME.
“I does a yoga!”
Artist note: Even though these are older Moxie drawings, they’re some of my favorites. OF ALL TIME.
“I does a yoga!”
Artist note: Even though these are older Moxie drawings, they’re some of my favorites. OF ALL TIME.