To celebrate, I hereby post this Lego Batman gif, as tradition dictates.
I validate my epubs with the free program Pagina, which means I don’t have to command line anything. Drag, drop, cross fingers, DONE! Just make sure your Java is up-to-date.
To celebrate, I hereby post this Lego Batman gif, as tradition dictates.
I validate my epubs with the free program Pagina, which means I don’t have to command line anything. Drag, drop, cross fingers, DONE! Just make sure your Java is up-to-date.
…after 5 hours of formatting the first part of your massive eBook
…and discovering the solution to the font size problem you were having was simply checking a box in Calibre…
…and finally wrestling with the free GUI ePub checker to get it to work
This is a thing. A real thing.
Last November I thought I’d be sending off SCVK to agents for years. Then I came across Killing the Sacred Cows of Publishing and decided to go indie and go for broke.
Now, not even six months later, I’m closer than ever to making my dream come true.
Today Katie Payne just sent a finalized cover (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH IT’S AMAZING but I’mma ask for a couple tweaks! BUT IT’S STILL AMAZING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!). And Colleen just sent over some interior files for me to choose from. You know, for, like, the printed book. Which is going to happen.
THIS IS HAPPENING. TO ME! All I need now is more moolah. Oh and for my last Typo Patroller to finish reading so I can fix tracking errors. 😀
After a month of correspondence, I’ve decided not to use Trevor Smith as my cover artist for SCVK.
However, he was professional and prompt about his communication, and he deserves more clients. Posted above are some of his pieces you in case you’re looking for a science fiction book cover. (The last one won him the Grand Prize in L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers and Illustrators of the Future Contest!) I just love his little pops of color!
His covers start at $600, unless you have a concept he’s really into and are willing to hand over a lot of control to him, then the price starts at $300. He understands that book covers are billboards and wants to do a good job selling your book.
I found him through the KBoards Yellow Pages forum and am glad to have another great artist to follow!
He’s also on DeviantArt. Consider commissioning him today!