STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM manuscript art challenge – Institute exterior


Exterior of a skyscraper-type building, done in Sharpie markerAbout This Project: The rough draft of my novel STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM came out to over 800 pages of paper. I finished the pencil edits ice ages ago, but since it felt wasteful to toss out all the reams, I’ve given myself a challenge: I’m going to draw my novel (kinda sorta). Whatever’s happening on the printed side gets drawn on the other side–action, characters, or scenery.

Exterior of Jerimin’s workplace, done after copying some GIS skyscraper exterior refs. His world looks like Minority Report + Iria: the Anime. Like, if those two movies’ sceneries had babies it’d be his world.


STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM manuscript art challenge – Parents’ apartment


Sharpie thumbnails of an apartment interiorAbout This Project: The rough draft of my novel, STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM came out to over 800 pages of paper. I finished the pencil edits forever ago, but since it felt wasteful to toss out all the reams, I’ve given myself a challenge: I’m going to draw my novel (kinda sorta). Whatever’s happening on the printed side gets drawn on the other side–action, characters, or scenery.

Roughs of Jerimin’s parent’s apartment. #nottoscale

STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM manuscript art challenge – Institute Lobby


Sharpie sketch of like a skyscraper lobby full of cafe tables oh and also there is a sketch of a rabbit on a teleporter up aboveAbout This Project: The rough draft of STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM came out to over 800 pages of paper. I finished the pencil edits eons ago, but since it felt wasteful to toss out all the reams, I’ve given myself a challenge: I’m going to draw my novel (kinda sorta). Whatever’s happening on the printed side gets drawn on the other side–action, characters, or scenery.
This shot: a rabbit teleportation demonstration, and some environment practice of the lobby where the main char escapes to (yeah the rabbit demo didn’t go over so well).

SCVK is turning into a book

Indie Publishing Friends, Writing

This is a thing. A real thing.

Last November I thought I’d be sending off SCVK to agents for years. Then I came across Killing the Sacred Cows of Publishing and decided to go indie and go for broke.

Now, not even six months later, I’m closer than ever to making my dream come true.

Today Katie Payne just sent a finalized cover (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH IT’S AMAZING but I’mma ask for a couple tweaks! BUT IT’S STILL AMAZING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!). And Colleen just sent over some interior files for me to choose from. You know, for, like, the printed book. Which is going to happen.

THIS IS HAPPENING. TO ME!  All I need now is more moolah. Oh and for my last Typo Patroller to finish reading so I can fix tracking errors. 😀