Haha, I love the one at the bottom with the paws. Think I should turn it into a T-shirt or sticker? Let me know.
Simple Line Cat
ArtPixel J Cat Toons in Sharpie
ArtPatchwork Marker Cat
ArtI have a colossal backlog. I think when I was researching folk art for my MIDWINTER MAGIC bookcover, I started doing these little patterned animals in marker. (I’m not so good with the flowers.) I think they’re very cheery!
Thank goodness for Krita’s autosave–I almost lost my work on this image!
Marker Kitties on a Rug
ArtMoxie Kitten Mashed Potato Potluck Visit
ArtMoxie’s Eager Grin
ArtThis took me all day to “ink” (I used an 8B pencil) and color (in Krita) and put together (PhoShoCS2). You’ll have to tell me if it was worth it! To my delight, the finished expressions turned out just as good as my ruff Sharpie sketch!

Characters © Danielle Williams. Not big enough? Try clicking this link.
Click for full-size!