Exploring my pelican dragons (from my Worlds of Everlush universe) in silhouette form.
Red Pattern Vulture
ArtPattern Animals – Spring Rabbit and Hummingbird
Art Wish I
Wish I hadn’t patterned over in so much of the hummy’s belly…but it’s still fun.
How I make these: swatch markers and pick 2 or 3 light and 1 dark. Draw silhouette lightly in pencil. Fill in silhouette with random colors. Outline silhouette in darkest color, then fill with random patterns. Done while watching COUNTING CARS, which I love.
Folk Art Flowers in Marker
ArtPatchwork Marker Cat
ArtI have a colossal backlog. I think when I was researching folk art for my MIDWINTER MAGIC bookcover, I started doing these little patterned animals in marker. (I’m not so good with the flowers.) I think they’re very cheery!
Thank goodness for Krita’s autosave–I almost lost my work on this image!