Sneaky Cat Ninja Pixel!


Our pet cat, Pixel, dressed as a ninja…lurkin’….and smackin’ down spiders. (In reality, Pixel J. Cat prefers to dismember grasshoppers that errantly hop into our house and leave them for Mommy to discover later on.)

Also there is a cameo by Moxie Kitten and a random squargling.

Orange cat dressed as a ninja lurking about Our cat Pixel, as a ninja, lurking. (Plus, bonus Moxie Kitten!)

Orange cat dressed as a ninja smacking a bug

Summary of Art 2017


Thumbnail grid of my favorite artworks of this year

Using @dustbunnythumper‘s 2016 template because I got impatient.

Credits: January is from the Inkspirations for Cat Lovers Coloring Book (not my lineart), August is a master study, and March’s abomination is Sargon the rat, from the game Armello.

In other news: still working on Christmas cat story and cover, need to scan a million sketchbook things.



This took me all day to “ink” (I used an 8B pencil) and color (in Krita) and put together (PhoShoCS2). You’ll have to tell me if it was worth it! To my delight, the finished expressions turned out just as good as my ruff Sharpie sketch!

Characters © Danielle Williams. Not big enough? Try clicking this link.

Click for full-size!