Free Christian Sheet Music – “ABIDE WITH ME” – A powerful, nature-inspired arrangement for piano and soprano voice

Music Composition

Cover to the "Abide with Me" sheet music; a lantern in the darkness

In an effort to exercise my composing muscles, I’ve asked my friends to name some of their favorite hymns so I can arrange them. This one goes out to my gluten-free bestie, Rindi. She is one of the strongest people I know, and not just because she can’t eat regular pizza. Her dedication to Christ in the face of life’s challenges inspires me.

This song (in my mind) starts in autumn by a cozy fire (set to the tune of Abide with Me), plummets into a spare and icy winter (Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King), then roars back to life as spring arrives in a joyful procession (God of Our Fathers).

Should be easy for a singer to pick up, but the piano part’s got some fanfare rhythms that might be tricky to pick up by sight alone. The downloadable mp3, imperfect midi though it is, can help my fellow pianists learn the rhythms by ear. Whew!

New 5 Finger LDS Hymns posted!


Taking a break from writing and (serious) art, but still feel like I oughta be productive. So today I PDF’d the rest of my “5 Finger LDS Hymns” and uploaded them. These piano sheet music pieces are for SUPER beginners. Enjoy!

(The rest are here on my music page.)

Free LDS Easy Piano Five-Finger Hymn Arrangements

Music, Music Composition

My sheet music page has new piano music added! Mormon piano teachers and beginning players, you’re gonna love this.

A grown student of mine, Sue, wanted dearly to play some of our church hymns, but we both found the Hymns Made Easy book to be above her level.

In response, I simplified them even further, transforming the melodies into 5-finger arrangements. This means there are zero to no hand position changes and almost no chords!

Though they’re nothing fancy, Sue really enjoyed being able to play the worship songs she loved!

These public-domain hymn arrangements are presented as-is; feel free to write in any fingering or letter name helps! These are FOR YOU!